2012 National Tourette Syndrome Association Conference Trip - Day 4, Orientation & Training

Today Kenny is at orientation with other Youth Ambassadors from all over the nation getting briefed on preparations for heading to Capital Hill the next day to meet with our state legislatures to educate them on the importance of their support in bringing Tourette Syndrome Awareness to the forefront in both the educational and medical communities.
Kenny with Ethan Kempner - one of our favorite Youth Ambassadors who volunteers to come back every year and help train other Youth Ambassadors. He is such a great role model!
This year we had the privilege of attending the conference with local neighboring Oregon Youth Ambassador Christoper Kuiper and his Mom Jennifer. Loved our time with them!

2012 National Tourette Syndrome Association Trip Day 3 - Meet and Greet

Kenny with National Tourette Syndrome Association President Judit Ungar and fellow Youth Ambassador Tarrin.

2012 National Tourette Syndrome Association Conference Trip - Day 2, Sight Seeing

At the Air and Space Museum D.C. - Kenny educating me on aviation history - man this boy knows a lot about aircraft!

2012 National Tourette Syndrome Association Conference Trip - April 2012, Day 1, Traveling

Really officer, I didn't mean to! Kenny with his Uncle Dawg at the airport before heading to the terminal.

And we are off to D.C. to attend the 2012National Tourette Syndrome Association Conference.

Easter Bunnies Visit Our Support Group Meeting - April 2012

Kenny is in Bunny Heaven right now!
One of our support group families actually breeds rabbits. They decided to bring in their rabbits for the kids to enjoy at our support group meeting. I think that was the quietest meeting we have ever had as the kids were just memorized by the rabbits. Animals are so therapeutic for children, especially those with special needs. We have such wonderful families in our support group!

Kids Day Out Ice Skating - March 2012

Every 3 months Kenny and I schedule a Kids Day Out for the support group that we lead. This month we went ice skating! We had a blast!

Community Resource Fair - January 2012

Clover Park School District's Community Resource Fair for special need families was held this last Wednesday. Kenny participated as a vendor educating participants on Tourette Syndrome.
 Speaking with Custer Elementary School Psychologist.
Kenny with Clover Park School District Superintendent Debie LeBeau and the Resource Fair's Organizer Holly Galbreath.

Kenny and Clover Park School District's Superintendent Debbie LeBeau

Kids Day Out Bowling - December 2011

Kenny hosting a Kids Day Out Bowling Event for kids from the Support Group we lead. Every 3 months we have parent only support group meetings, so during these months we schedule fun activities for the kids so they can still spend time with one another having fun at the same time!

Kenny Speaks at Lakeview Elementary - November 2011

November 2011, Kenny spoke to a class of 5th graders at Lakeview Elementary. The class really connected with Kenny - they loved him! The kids were so kind to him. Each one of them wrote the most amazing "Thank You" letters to Kenny afterwards. We cherish those letters!

Kenny Meets American Idol Finalist James Durbin! - July 2011

Kenny presenting James Durbin (American Idol Finalist) an award on behalf of the Tourette Syndrome Association of Washington & Oregon for bringing Tourette Syndrome to the National Spotlight and being such an inspiration to kids all across America diagnosed with this disorder.
Kenny and James Durbin up close! James is a great guy!

James Durbin signed his autograph on Kenny's official WA/OR Youth Ambassador nametag representing the National Tourette Association! What a great conversation piece this will be when Kenny gives his presentations on Tourette Syndrome at local schools!

 Kenny with our local favorite Stefano Langone! Stefano will be James Durbin's Best Man in his wedding at the end of this year. 

 Kenny with Scotty McCreery! American Idol Winner!

Kenny's First Presentation - May 2011

Kenny had the honor of visiting his Alma Mater Idlewild Elementary for his first presentation on Tourette Syndrome Awareness.  Kenny in front of Idlewild Elementary with Principal Jim Pfeiffer.

Kenny educating about 50 5th graders on Tourette Syndrome

 Kenny with Mr. Fortino - 5th grade teacher at Idlewild. Mr. Fortino was Kenny's teacher - we will forever be grateful for God blessing our family with great teachers such as he!

2011 - Kenny Receives Citizenship Award at School for Being Selected as a Youth Ambassador with the National Tourette Syndrome Association

Friday, April 29 Kenny received recognition at his school assembly for being chosen as the Washington/Oregon Tourette Syndrome Youth Ambassador.

From left: Moureen David, principal of Hudtloff Middle School; David Paul, assistant principal, Todd Henry, Chair/President of the Washington/Oregon Chapter Tourette Syndrome Association, and Kenny Richards, center. Henry presented Richards with a leadership award for his work with the Tourette Syndrome Association.

Day 3 - 2011 National Tourette Syndrome Association Youth Ambassador Training

All 42 Youth Ambassadors from around the country getting ready to make their Trip to the Hill to advocate and educate their Legislative Officials on Tourette Syndrome.
Kenny visiting with fellow Youth Ambassador Evan before boarding the bus for our Trip to the Hill. What a nice guy!

Kenny and I before the Luncheon Briefing at the Senate Dirksen Office Building
Kenny with Elridge Proctor who is the mastermind behind organizing the Youth Ambassador Trip to the Hill. She is amazing!
Kenny meeting with Senator Patty Murray's Legislative Aides
Stephanie and Annie were so receptive and genuine in listening to Kenny's concerns regarding getting appropriated help in schools for children diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome.
Kenny with our Representative - Congressman Adam Smith. We had a quick but productive meeting with Adam right before he had to race out of his office to vote.
Kenny is with Adam Smith's Executive Assistant Rebecca Bryant. This women is fabulous - she took such good care of us. She is so on top of things. We received feedback from her ASAP after sending an email requesting to meet with Adam Smith. She is so efficient and friendly.
Kenny sharing his Tourette story with Adam Smith's Policy Aide Joshua Crosson. Come to find out he is from Lakewood and lived not too far away from us before moving to D.C. What a great guy! We really enjoyed our visit with him.
Kenny even got to sit in Adam Smith's office chair!
Above I am with our Senator Maria Cantwell's Legislative Aid explaining the importance of support for the CDC (Center for Disease Control) - as it is the only government agency which even gives recognition to Tourette Syndrome. Kenny took this picture. I took one of Kenny talking with Janelle as well, but see I somehow didn't get it posted in sequence here.
Kenny with Janelle in front of Senator Maria Cantwell's Office. He did a great job informing Janelle how schools, doctors and the community need to be better informed on how to meet the needs of a child diagnosed with Tourettes.
Kenny standing at attention with a full salute in front of the United States Capital Building indicating "Mission Accomplished"! I am so proud of my boy - he did an amazing job!
Well, the cat was let out of the bag and on the last day word got around that I am the actual "Mrs. Washington 2010!" As you can see I am surrounded by new fans holding my signature Mrs. Washington cards. They told me I pulled a "Miley Cirus" on them. So as a celebrity, I did my duty and signed each one of their cards praying for God's Blessings upon them. Really these kids are the celebrities - as they are rocking the world by sharing their own Tourette Syndrome story and making a difference. My life was so blessed by these children!

Day 2 - 2011 National Tourette Syndrome Association Youth Ambassador Training

One of our power point cue cards - so true!
Kenny with the founder of the National Tourette Syndrome Association Youth Ambassador Program Jennifer Zwilling. Amazing she was only 12 when she had this vision and now she is in attending Duke University on Scholarship. What an awesome program she developed! Hunter Lindberg and Ethan Kemper - also Youth Ambassadors mentoring new recruits. So impressed by these young men! One of my favorite Youth Ambassadors attending the conference. His name is Mike and really is a remarkable young man in dealing with his Tourettes. Above Jennifer is giving him tips during our training.
Kenny waiting his turn to practice presenting his cue card.
Myself and Kenny with the President of the National Tourette Association - Judit Ungar.

We had the pleasure of having her sit next to us during most of the training - lovely lady!
Jaydon - California Youth Ambassador and Kenny
Kenny having fun with his new friends, especially Mark to his left.
Youth Ambassadors having a blast!
Jon, Hunter and Jennifer Lindberg - This family is truly amazing. They have traveled thousands of miles in reaching out to schools educating students, parents and teachers on Tourette Syndrome. Jon sat next to me during the training - so impressed by this family. They are such a blessing!
Kenny and I just receiving our packets to deliver to our Legislatures during our Trip to Capital Hill the next day.