Welcome To Our Blog!

We would like to welcome you to our blog "The Traveling Tic" documenting our journey as Mother and Son promoting Tourette Syndrome Awareness. Most of the postings (dating back to January of 2011) follow Kenny's travels across the State of Washington as a Youth Ambassador and Support Group Leader with the Tourette Syndrome Association (TSA). 

Currently Kenny is working on his Eagle Scout Project which will focus on educating teachers, school district administrators, school board members, professionals, parents and students on I.E.P.s (Individual Education Plans) and Tourette Syndrome Awareness. Basically, Kenny is organizing a training/workshop for local school districts to accomplish this goal. He will be one of the presenters as well. I will post more on this exciting event in the future!

We pray that this Blog will both educate and inspire you! Most importantly, we hope to offer important information, resources, encouragement, and finally hope for others dealing with the diagnosis of Tourette Syndrome or any other co-morbid conditions that often accompany this diagnosis. Our journey hasn't been easy, but it's been blessed! Enjoy!  

Carla and Kenny Richards
WA & OR TSA Support Group Leaders
TSA Youth Ambassador Team  

1 comment:

  1. Dear Carla!
    I wanted to follow up one last time on the message I sent you regarding the T-Forward and T-Force Green Studies, which are currently enrolling patients living with Tourette syndrome. We want to provide patients with information about this study opportunity as well as spread the word for Tourette syndrome.
    We can provide pre-written social media posts and shareable infographics about Tourette syndrome upon request. Thank you in advance for your support, and if you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me at pmeckler@gopraxis.com.
