2012 National Tourette Syndrome Association Conference Trip - Day 6, Training & Workshops

To start off our day with training/workshop classes Kenny had to the privilege to visit with renowned motivational speaker of TS, Mark Higgins (Pastor and Colonel in the U.S. Army) on the left and Dr. Anthony Sims (one of Kenny's Dr.s whom we have worked with on an alternative treatment for TS) on the right. What a fabulous start to his day!
While Kenny went to classes geared for teens, I attended the adult classes and to my surprise I found out that my sister-in-law's Mother-in-law and sister-in-law were attending the conference as well supporting their grandson/son who had been recently diagnosed with TS. They traveled all the way from Texas! So cool to have extended family with me in D.C.!
To top off a day of training, on Friday night I had the pleasure to be a part of a drum circle hosted by the amazingly talented Matthew Giordano who was diagnosed with Ts at the age of five. He is such an inspiration! Everyone had a blast!

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